Dear stockholders..! For last few days i was working to find out few stocks which could be safer as well as be able to surely impart decent growth in coming time. Finally i manage to come out some stocks which are going to rock in coming six-month horizon.

The very hot list includes :

1. 8K MILES soft :

This multi-bagger stock has run up hard in last few months. Just one year back same stock was trading Rs. 70, and begin its uprise and now it is trading at Rs.428 imparting a zooming return of 6 times.

It got eyed on Aug. 8 , 2014 by DSP BLACKROCK MICRO CAP FUND, which bought 221735 units, when it was trading at only 175. From there it jumped to about 350 giving 100% return when it took some rest.
Again, on Sept17, 2014,  it is bought by SUNDARAM BNP PARIBAS MUTUAL FUND with buying 175000 units at Rs. 345.

So it is suppeosed to gave a further decent upside targeted at Rs. 500, giving about 50% return it short time frame.


The second runner in the multi-bagger race is this amazing cloud computing company which has gone from 340 level to CMP Rs. 793 in a matter of few months.

Just one year back this stock was trading at Rs. 125 which has already become 7.5 times in a year. Its positive thing which is attracting investors, is the heavily sitting stock wizard dolly khanna on this stock with about 4.8 % holding in this stock. Dolly khanna is not the new name for investors, they knew how fabulous does she choose the stock.

The stock is still eyed by NK securities who bought about 80895 units on Sept 19. So there is a lot of juice left in the stock and breaching Rs. 1100 is not too far from here. So it can be bought with significant gain target of about 40%.


This packaging sector stock is performing pretty well last few months . The stock was trading at Rs. 55 just one year back and in just 12 months it has grown by about 5 times to CMP of Rs.208. This stock is recently backed by stock wizard Dolly khanna and thereby the stock has picked up. Dolly khanna's pick RS software is the recent example of his decent choice. 
So we need to get loaded by the truck of units as one can cannot ignore her picks. And about 37% gains are for seen in coming few months. 

NOTE : It is good to assume that author is investing in all three stocks.

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